On request, additional services can be provided in addition to the benefits provided by the public health insurance companies.
The costs will be calculated based on standardized rates and are usually not covered by the public health insurances. In some individual cases, coverage may be granted after an individual petition has been received. Please contact your public health company for such requests.
In some cases coverage might be possible if you are enrolled in the patient centered medical home program (HZV). Please contact us if you are interested.
We offer the following services:
1. Initial Sports/Fitness Physicals including ECG and lung function 50,- €
2. Follow-up Sport/Fitness Physical without ECG 30,- €
3. Kindergarten Entry Physical including certificate: 30,- €
4. Physical and Certification for exchange programs: 60,- €
5. Physical with English certificate: 100,- €
6. Amplyopia screening other than for U5 and U7a: 20,- €
7. Ultrasound of the kidney at the U3 checkup: 20,- €
8. Ultrasound of the kidney without a medical indication: 30,- €
9. Vaccinations other than standard ones: 15,- €
10. Checkups U10, U11 and J2: 50,- €
11. Rapid test for mononucleosis including laboratory equipment: 15,- €
12. Rapid test for influenza, including laboratory equipment: 15,- €
13. FeNO measurement including material: 25,- €
14. Duplicate vaccination certificate: 10,- €
15. Duplicate Yellow U checkup booklet: 10,- €
16. Kindergarten certificate on file: 5,- €